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The Cyrenius H. Booth Library Board of Trustees
Newtown, Connecticut 06470

Minutes of meeting February 10, 2009

President Martha Robilotti called the meeting to order at 7:30pm.

1.      Roll call:  Present were  Kathy Geckle, John Godin, Peter Marshall, Jennifer Reilly, Martha Robilotti, Paula Stephan, Peter Stern, Mary Thomas, Martin Margulies, Michelle Rosenthal, and Dan Cruson.
Absent: Liz Arneth, Eric DaSilva, John Trentacosta, Robert Cox, Jean Honan, Bill Lavery, and Paul Sirois.
2.      Consideration of the previous minutes: The minutes were read. Martin Margulies moved to approve the minutes. Paula Stephan seconded the motion.
Motion approved unanimously.
3.      Public Participation: None.
4.      President’s Announcements: none
5.      Treasurer/Finance Report:  Peter Marshall presented financial reports, including the statement of income and expense for the seven months ended January 31, the full year estimate, financial results from the Hawley and Knotts trusts, the fiscal 2010 budget summary, the fiscal 2010 budget details of proposed changes, and the report to the Friends of the Library for January 31, 2009.
6.       Report of the Library Director.  Janet Woycik presented the Library Director’s report including circulation, acquisition and new patron figures and listed programs held in February. A copy of the packet created by the reference department for individuals seeking employment was circulated.
7.      Committee Reports
A.      Policies and Personnel:
Mary Thomas reported that the remaining balance in the Gala account was $1529.57.  The revised description of the library director was presented.
Motion - Martin Margulies: moved that the job description as presented be accepted.
Paula Stephan seconded the motion.
The motion passed unanimously.  
A new revised gift policy was presented and discussed.  
Motion – Dan Cruson: moved to accept the revised gift policy
Peter Stern seconded the motion.
The motion was approved unanimously.
Peter Marshall wishes to donate a table to replace the one in the Board room used by the Friends of the Library.
Motion - Martin Margulies moved to accept the donation.
Jennifer Reilly seconded the motion.
The motion was approved unanimously.

B.      Fund Raising:
The total raised is $21,462.43 as of the end of January. John Godin reported on grant proposals that he has submitted.
C.      Building, Grounds, Interior: no report
D.      Long Range Planning: no report
E.      Friend of the Library Liaison:
Peter Stern reported fewer donations to the Book Sale overall, which may have an effect on the July book sale. The Friends are considering another town-wide collection since the first one was successful.
F.      Art/Historical Liaison:
Paula Stephan reported on the current show and upcoming shows.  Historian Dan Cruson discussed the importance of preserving a map of Newtown drawn by Daniel B. Beers for the Town’s bicentennial in 1905.
Motion: Kathy Geckle, Gala Committee Chairperson, moved to pay for framing the map from Gala funds.
Jen Reilly seconded the motion.
The motion was approved unanimously.
G.      Nominating: no report

8.      Old business: none

9.      New business: none

The meeting was adjourned at 8:37 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Mary Thomas
Secretary pro tem